
Message from our representative

“For translating tacit knowledge in medical practice into objective indicators”

Representative of S-access Japan

Masaaki Ito

National Cancer Center Hospital East has been working on the construction of a unique database for the tacit knowledge of doctors. In recent years, the clinical level of advanced medical treatment has achieved remarkable progress. When we understand the solution of how to implement advanced medical treatment clearly, it would be possible to improve the medical care of the world. With this promising project, we would like to spread Japanese surgical technology to the world.

Visualization for tacit knowledge and improvement of medical standards across the industry

Endoscopic surgery has received a great deal of attention, as it reduces the burden on patients and allows for early recovery after surgery. Although approximately 30 years have passed since the start of clinical use, this technology is still challenging for surgeons to master the skill.

New technologies have the power to change healthcare. If we could increase the number of people who can handle it appropriately, we will be able to raise the level of healthcare in the healthcare industry as a whole. In the field of endoscopic surgery, a lot of technology and knowledge have still been intangible, we think it is indispensable to incorporate this into an objective index and make use of it for education.

Construction a database of tacit knowledge

The information such as the surgical process, operating tool, and conducted treatment would be able to be visualized based on the video of endoscopic surgery, which could quantitatively indicate the situation of bleeding or the tendency of the procedure in successful surgery.

We have collected the surgical video data that includes the tacit knowledge of doctors and tried to make this database sustainably. Through this project, the standard of surgical treatment in Japan would be raised and lead to semi-automated surgery. Finally, it would be highly appreciated a lot of cooperation, and strongly hope for lots of commercial use. Thank you very much.